We are a localised trade directory based in Swanage. Our aim is to provide a link between the tradespeople living in the area and the local residents and businesses. Plumbers, electricians, decorators, cake makers, removals and more, all in one place! They’re all just a click away…
Being loyal to locals has many benefits!
It’s rare to find a comprehensive list of local tradespeople no matter where you look. They’re often scattered across various platforms and mixed in with other tradespeople who are usually based much further away.
Here at Loyal to Locals we aim to have them all (or as close to that as possible) in one easy to use localised directory.
We make the process of hiring the right tradesperson for your job as simple as possible. Simply browse our trades directory for an A-Z list of tradespeople nearby or you can also use our search function. Once the tradesperson is found you can view their phone number or create an account to message them via our site.
If you come into difficulty navigating your way around our site then please visit our help or FAQ sections.
We advertise and promote tradespeople and services who are based in and around Swanage. Once you have been added to one or more of our trades categories, we do the rest of the hard work and bring the customers to you! Simply visit the Submit your trade section, sign up to one of the payment plans and submit your trade details and we’ll have you added to the LoyaltoLocals.co.uk directory in no time.